These were the exercises in Dynamic Models in Chemistry. If you can find the book (out of print but perhaps still findable on they are available to all interested parties (and their students, if any). You may copy and distribute as you wish.
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Dynamic Models in Chemistry
Daniel E. Atkinson, University of California, Los Angeles
Douglas C. Brower, Blast, Inc.
Ronald McClard, Reed College

Many beginning chemistry students find even simple quantitative relationships
difficult to visualize. Dynamic Models in Chemistry offers your students
an environment within which they can build mathematical models with the
same facility they now build ball-and-stick models of chemical structures.
Students build and explore representations of physical processes and chemical
reactions that might otherwise be beyond their grasp.
Students learn how to
- "Teach" their computers the stoichiometric relationships that tie the laboratory
to the atomic world.
- Build simple and "realistic" models of gas behavior in enclosed vessels.
- Explore various methods for solving equilibrium problems and interrogate their models
to get a sense of the behavior of systems in equilibrium.
- Build and explore models of numerous, real chemical reactions and observe directly
the relationship between reversible chemical reactions and dynamic equilibrium.
Table of Contents
- CHAPTER 1: Getting Started
- CHAPTER 2: Stoichiometry
- CHAPTER 3: Gases
- CHAPTER 4: Liquids and Solutions
- CHAPTER 5: Chemical Equilibrium
- CHAPTER 6: Acids and Bases
- CHAPTER 7: Kinetics
- CHAPTER 8: Thermodynamics